Bibliometric studies

Libraries carry out bibliometric studies with information on the scientific production of UPC researchers, the impact of their publications and the positioning of the UPC versus other European and international universities.

If you are interested in a study of your School, Faculty, Campus or Research Group, contact your library.

Comparative studies for thematic areas and schools

Comparative study of the scientific publication in the field of Computing in the UPC vs. other national and international universities (2002-2012)  (2007-2017).
Comparative study of the scientific publication of the UPC and the Barcelona School of of Civil Engineering vs. other international universities (1998-2008) (2000-2010) (2006-2015) (2009-2018).

Comparative study of the scientific publication in the areas of Mathematics and Statistics and Operational research to UPC vs. other international universities (2000-2009) (2003-2012) (2006-2015) (2010-2019).

Comparative study of the scientific publication of the UPC and the ETSETB vs. other universities in Europe (1997-2007) (1999-2009) (2002-2012) (2006-2016).
Study of the coauthorship of scientific publications between UPC and seven European universities: Aalto University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Darmstadt, University of Technology, Torino Polytechnic, University Catholique de Louvain, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon (2018).
Study of the coauthorship of scientific publications between UPC and nine universities of the United States: Brown University, University of Chicago, Northwestern University, Stanford University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Harvard University, Princeton University and Duke University (2013).
Study of the coauthorship of scientific publications between UPC and institutions of China (2014).
Study of the coauthorship of scientific publications between UPC and five universities of the United States: Caltech, Stanford University, UC Davis, UC Irvine and UCLA (2014).
Study of the coauthorship of scientific publications between the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and theAalto University (2014).
Study of the coauthorship of scientific publications: State University of Campinas - UNICAMP Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC-BarcelonaTech (2014).
Comparative study of the scientific publication in the field of Physics in the UPC vs. other national and international universities (2005-2014) (2011-2020).
RESEARCH 2015: academic institutions and publication in journals ofarchitecture: spanish and international level study.
RESEURB 2016: academic institutions and publication in journals oftown planning: spanish and international level study.

Articles published by researchers


Indexed articles published by authors of theETSAB (2012).
Indexed articles published by researchers of the Terrassa campus. See also infographics (2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022).
Articles published by researchers from the ETSEIB.
Scientific publication of the campus of Baix Llobregat.
Scientific publication of the EPSEM.
Open accessibility of articles UPC published in ...: analysis of the most cited articles (2015 | 2016 | 2017).
The UPC publications of 2018 with more presence on Twitter.
Research staff of the UPC with highly cited articles
Bibliometric study EPSEB 2020-2021 | 2022


The search on ...

The research at the Central Catalonia.

Research map of the Campus of Vilanova i la Geltrú (2011) (2012) (2013).

Research and teaching of women in careers in the sector construction in the University of Granada and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia 2023
recerCAMINS - Study of the scientific communication of the research in the School of Engineering of Roads, Channels and Ports of the UPC at CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING (2014-2018)


Observatory of the scientific publication of the UPC

Observatory 2006 
Observatory 2005 
Observatory 2004 


More information

You may also be interested in: Bibliometric indicators and accreditations

Last update: 09 / 05 / 2024